Recently our family went to court. We waited in the hallway as other people arrived also. The seriousness of the moment was punctuated by a policeman escorting a prisoner in an orange jump suit and handcuffs.

Finally, the doors opened. We were told we would be first on the docket so we went into the court chambers. The others folks would wait in the court viewing area behind glass.

Soon the judge appeared and our family was called to the bench. There was a happy mood as the judge asked questions about finalizing the adoption of little Samuel. His siblings were asked if he could play on their basketball team, etc.? They answered “yes” with smiles. Then the magistrate declared the adoption done and “Samuel” as his name. There was joy as we stood with the judge behind the bench for pictures. There was even a jar of candy on the bench for anyone.

As we departed I was struck by the large group in the viewing room waiting to appear next. They had been watching the happy event through the glass. I assumed their appearance before the judge would not be so joyful. 

I was quickly reminded of the closing words of Revelation where Christ says He comes “to render to every man according to what he has done.” (22:12).

I am thankful for Christ’s shed blood that washed the robes of our sin so we can stand before Judge of all the earth with joy (Rev. 22:14). We do stand before the Judgement Seat of Christ to be rewarded for ministry well done or wasted but will “be saved” (cf. 1 Cor. 3:12-15; 2 Cor. 5:10). However, the unbeliever faces a very different situation before the great white throne of God.  He will judge their works, find them wanting and cast them into the lake of fire. Before which judgement seat will you stand?

-Pastor Mark

P.S.  This Saturday at 8 AM our Men's Discipleship Breakfast will meet as I to talk about the character of one of the men who inspiredthe most missionary minded churches in history. Who do you think he is?

This Sunday we'll finish the Book of Revelation with a special Express Train Trip Through Revelation as we conclude with a warning about His second coming. The following Sunday pastor Chris will begin an exposition of the book of Nehemiah that you won't want to miss also.