Jesus in his discourse on the Mt. of Olives (Mat. 24) spoke of a time of Great Tribulation that is coming like the earth has never seen (cf. Mt. 24; Mk. 13; Lu. 21). It really is a warning He is giving to His disciples to be
A quick chalk drawing depicting Christ's second coming that will be visible for all the earth to see from Seattle to Jerusalem. The drawing was one of two done at our 2015 Christmas Eve service.
passed down for future generations. Jesus appeared from heaven, after His resurrection, to the imprisoned Apostle John to elaborate further on this terrifying time of tribulation. John records it in the book of Revelation. This time is brought about by a series of three sets of judgements called the Seal, Trumpet and Bowl judgments.
This frightening prophecy is dismissed by some, avoided by others or explained away as a time of war that happened in the first century. However, no war has ever even matched the alarming details of Christ's description of this coming time of judgment on the whole earth. Most Bible prophecy has already been fulfilled with laser sharp accuracy. But, this is among the few remaining prophecies to be fulfilled that brings human history to a climax as Christ returns.
So what should our response be. 2Pe 3:11-13 tells us, "Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells." In other words, these events are real, are coming and have a purpose as Christ comes to rectify things. Are you moved to live a life of holiness that glorifies God and has an impact on the world.
Want to know what God does in the second series of judgments called the Trumpet Judgment? Listen on Livestream to my message for June 12th. Then let me know what you think in the comments?
This Sunday we'll celebrate Fathers Day with our breakfast fellowship on the patio at 9:15 so bring dad's favorite breakfast finger food. Then at 10:30 we'll have a special service and message just for dad and the family at 10:30. Bring your dad or someone like a dad to you.