Stephen & Courtney Myers
Philippines (Ethnos360)
Stephen and Courtney Myers are serving in the Philippines to help plant a mature church in an unreached people group. Their ministry will include learning the people’s language and culture, teaching a literacy program, presenting the Gospel through chronological Bible lessons, and discipling the believers.
Stephen grew up in a Christian home attending Burley Bible Church. He heard of God’s heart for the nations at a young age and felt God’s leading to missions. Courtney joined Discovery with her family when she was seven years old. She learned of the need for missionaries to the unreached when she was in high school.
When they started dating, they realized God had given both of them a desire for overseas ministry. They were married in 2015 and began training with Ethnos360 in 2016.
Stephen and Courtney completed their training in 2020. After partnering together with local churches and individuals they launched to the Philippines in June of 2022. They are currently living in town and learning the region’s language and culture. The Myers have four sons.