A Truly Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Think about those words. Are we happily giving thanks? To whom are we directing our thanks?  Answering these questions should bring us to a point of a truly happy time of thanksgiving. In considering the first question, if we are not happily giving thanks, then are we not being hypocritical. Thankfulness comes out of a happy heart, a heart delighted with the gifts that have been given; when we moan about our lot in life we cannot be thankful. So much of our being able to grasp the blessings in our lives (whether difficult or pleasant) comes from understanding the source of everything about our lives. Of course, God is the only source. He uses many means of giving us what we have, but He is the fountain from which it all flows. Our every breath and heartbeat depends on His care of us, as well as everything else visible and invisible. 

When days are tough we may wonder about God’s blessings in our lives. This week our son who lives in war torn Ukraine wrote a beautiful poem addressing this very issue.

Lord, how will I give thanks today?

When I bow my head, what will I say?

There is no peace at home this year

Rockets and missiles have brought chaos and fear

Homes in pieces, people fled

Young men fight, many dead

Bombs explode, shake the walls

Families crowd in dark halls

Curfew at night, sirens in the day

Oh, dear Lord what will I say?

In a time of war and violence

Must I celebrate thanksgiving in silence?

Can I be grateful in pain and grief?

Is there any sort of relief?

“Listen now!” The Lord said to me.

“Pay attention and I will show you the key

No war, no despot can ever overcome 

The good that I did when I sent you my Son!

A man of suffering, and familiar with pain

He went to the cross for your gain

His sacrifice brings healing and peace

Hope and joy that will never cease.

And now look at what I’m doing even in war

Have you ever seen the church serving more?

In the midst of this terrible cancer

People are now looking for an answer!

Against the black canvas of war

My love shines even more.

Through the hands of the church as they care for the broken

Through the lips of the faithful as love is spoken

Through the feet of the brave as they rescue from danger

Through the hearts of the gentle as they help a stranger.”

Thank you Lord for making this clear

Truly your goodness is always near.

Heal me from my spiritual blindness

Help me to always see your grace and kindness.

When war and evil threaten my living

May I turn to you with praise and thanksgiving

A Prayer for Thanksgiving in War- by Caleb Suko

Living for the Glory of God part 2

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”

Colossians 3:17

The beauty of the Christian life rests upon the inspired words of Colossians 3:17. Degrees of light increase in our lives as we put into practice this verse. Contrarily, various levels of darkness develop as we turn to our own desires and pursue in word and deed what we want. Have you not seen this in your own life?

As we consider this verse practically, spend some time thinking about two questions. “In what overt ways does your life reflect the forgiveness, hope, and joy of the gospel? In what specific areas does your life reflect poorly on the good news of forgiveness and eternal life in Christ?” John MacArthur

I’ll see you Thursday morning for a good discussion of God honoring living based on Titus 2 and Colossians 3:12-4:1. If you would like to bring a special holiday treat to share with our coffee, feel free to do that.  I have already heard that there is going to be a sausage casserole there. Yum!

Shelley Ciolek will be organizing the Christmas decorations after Bible Study on Thursday. If you can stay for a bit and help her, she would really appreciate your assistance.