The One Resolution That Resolves All Other Resolutions

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Every morning Mark and I start our day with a good cup of coffee and listening to the Bible on Daily Audio Bible. In one year Brian Hardin reads the entire Bible on this website following the exact same plan that our friend Jerry Cudney sends out every day. I appreciate the great commentary Jerry shares daily and likewise Brian gives thoughtful comments on the passages he reads.

Recently, Brian commented on Psalm 147:11 in connection with New Year’s resolutions. Consider these words: “…the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Think about resolutions we have made in past years; most likely they predominately focus on self-improvement of some sort. Brian suggested (and I heartily agree) that a far better resolution would be centered on fearing (in the “awesome” aspect of that word) and putting our hope in God’s unfailing love. Oh yes, I love this idea. If we start with what is most important, then everything else will take its proper place. This is actually the resolution that resolves all of the other resolutions that we might be considering.

Let’s “delight” the Lord in 2021 with awesome respect toward Him and putting our hope in His unfailing love.

New Ladies Bible Study Begins January 7

Ladies, we will be starting our new study on January 7th rather than the 14th. With the cancelling of a meeting in Eastern Washington I’m freed up to start a week earlier than I thought we could. Our study books on 1 and 2 Peter have not yet arrived, but, I will have them available next Sunday morning for you to pick up at church.

Meditate on these rich verses from 1 Peter. “…knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:18-19 What good thoughts for starting 2021.