Our Good Shepherd IS In Charge

No matter what anyone thinks, God decides who wins all elections. Daniel 2:21 “He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.” Even if you spend over 100 million dollars on your campaign, God still determines who wins--not you or your money. When a nation turns from God and His ways no one should expect that He will continue to give God-honoring people as leaders. A quick look through history establishes this logical sequence. On the individual level this same pattern can be clearly seen.

People who ignore, or resist God sooner or later find themselves in a world of hurt particularly within their souls. In contrast when God is loved and honored in response to the great mercy He has had in loving and forgiving a person’s sins, then beautiful peace, purpose, and security result. He not only “controls the course of world events,” but He also reigns over the events of each person’s life. What a wonderful situation this is for those who walk in harmony with Him. Using the analogy of sheep with their shepherd, He becomes our Good Shepherd caring for every single need, heartache, and care that could disturb the calm of those He loves.

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that I need…”  Psalm 23:1

Ladies, our last Thursday morning Bible study for the fall will be this week. Join us in person at Harborview Fellowship or watch on Livestream at discoverybaptist.org. As we do a quick overview of Psalm 23 I would like you to come to class prepared to share the phrase, or verse from this Psalm that is most encouraging to you. Also, note the prescription given in our study books for curing worry.

Rx for Worry

Read Psalm 23 before breakfast.

Read it after breakfast.

Read it at lunchtime.

Read it at dinnertime.

Read it at bedtime.

Think the words through carefully as you read and continue this for 7 consecutive days.

Election Day and Anxiety

No worries for our little grandson Luke on Election Day 2020. He has good parents caring for him—but, we have a good God caring for us! No worries!!

No worries for our little grandson Luke on Election Day 2020. He has good parents caring for him—but, we have a good God caring for us! No worries!!

Today the big day we have been anticpating has arrived—election day! How are you doing with anxiety concerning who will win and what the next four years will look like? A calm and peaceful heart is attainable even today.

Philippians 4:6-7 “…do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” These two verses apply to every single event, day, and moment of our lives. Today we have such an opportunity to make this truth real in our lives. Most people will fret all day and continue fretting into the days ahead. However, this is not how God desires for us to live. He does not want us to worry about ANYTHING, but rather, talk to Him about the situation and be thankful to Him. Fairly easily we can measure how we are doing in this area. Are we praying with thanksgiving, or tied up in knots with worry?

This Thursday morning I want to encourge you to “not be anxious about anything.” Plan to join our live group at Harborview Fellowship at 9:30 even if you have not been part of our study before. Or, you may join us on Livestream at discoverybaptist.org. I can’t guarantee the Livestream will be “live,” however it willl always be available within an hour of the completion of our study. Allow God’s Word to change your life from one of fretting to a life of peace and calm.

Curing Worry

With an historic election day coming up next week most people are in a state of worry. What if the person I oppose gets elected? What about the predicted violence following Election Day? What happens if police departments are all defunded? What will our family finances look like after the election? Those are just a few of the questions that plague the minds and hearts of many people. Recently I visited with some people who reported they are unable to sleep well and they feel a constant sense of anxiety as election day approaches. God has a great calming answer to all the possibilities of the future days.

Mat 10:29-31 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” You see the great God of the universe cares about every detail of our lives. He will always do what is best for us and what brings Him the most glory. Generally it is not easy or comfortable times that are best for us, but rather difficult days. The greatest possible thing in our lives is to learn to have our full confidence in God. Our only hope for peace within our souls comes from trusting Him and we will only fully trust Him when we know Him well. This involves reading His word every day and spending time meditating on it.

This Thursday morning we will be discussing the beautiful and encouraging thought that God is our good Father. Please plan to join us at 9:30 at Harborview Fellowship (or join us on Livestream) as we encourage one another to trust God and set aside our worries about the future.

The following podcast by Al Mohler brings a great Biblical perspective to our current election.