"Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:43-44)

Care Net (Pro Life)

Our church has partnered with Care Net of Puget Sound. From our annual baby bottle fundraising campaign to resources and caring women, know we’re here to support expecting moms when they need it most.

Contact: Jen Frizzell

Compassion Washington

Our church has partnered with Compassion WA as an “anchor church.” We look forward to engaging with this Christian ministry to help meet health needs in our community and to help fight against human trafficking.

Contact: Lynnette Field

GriefShare (Passing of a loved one)

GriefShare is a Bible-based and Christ-centered program that provides real help for real hurt. Losing a loved one through death is an extremely painful experience. Psalm 34:18 reminds us, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit." The 13 week GriefShare program points us to the help that we so desperately need following the devastating loss of a loved one through death. God is the Healer... To God be the Glory!

Upcoming Events: See the GriefShare calendar on our church app.

Contact: Larry Anderson

One MOre Day - Tacoma Street Ministry

Friday Evenings

Partnering with the Tacoma Rescue Mission, we take the love and truth of God to our friends, brothers, and sisters living on the streets.

Contact: John Westermark

Stafford Suites Chapel Service (Port Orchard)

Fourth Sunday of each Month, 3:00 pm

We have the joy and privilege of leading this chapel service at Stafford Suites Assisted Living Center in Port Orchard. People of all ages are welcome to come share the love of God with these elderly "Saints at the Suites." Plan on being a blessing... and plan on being blessed as we sing the old hymns of the faith, soak in the Word of God, and fellowship with each other!

Contact: Mac Davis