We’ve been trucking at Discovery recently. Stan Thompson donated a very nice 1994 Ford truck with relatively low miles, a good body, and a paint job that still looks factory new. A team of our guys tuned it up, repainted the rims, and fixed it as needed. It was to be donated to Pastor Juan Carlos Magallanes in Quincy for his ministry to Hispanics who worked on farms. Our annual Thanksgiving Offering was designated for the repairs and pastor Juan Carlos.

Our guys worked on it over the winter until it looked even better and ran like a gazelle. The canopy was also cleaned and repaired before attaching it to the 7 1/2 foot bed. Workers included mechanics Joe Turco, Mitch Maesner, and Gary Horten. John Westermark also arranged a full load of good used clothing for Hispanics that Pastor Juan Carlos ministers to. Nancy and I fired up the rig and drove to Quincy. It ran great with our load so we fit right in with the the big truckers on the freeway.

We arrived in the late afternoon at First Baptist of Quincy. Pastor Juan Carlos and some of his family and friends were waiting. It was great to present this snazzy white pickup that looked almost like it just came right off of a showroom floor.

Since our mechanics donated time we only needed to buy parts and tires to get it running well. The remaining $41oo of our Thanksgiving Offering went to Pastor Carlos for personal use. When I presented it to him he told me he had been praying last year for funds to pay for major dental work he needed. This unexpected financial gift would go a long way toward that. God was at work in the truck, the timing, and providing the funds through our people. Thanks to all for helping with that Thanksgiving offering for 2022.

Note from Pastor Juan Carlos today… “I really have no words to express my gratitude to each one of the brothers and sisters that help us in this ministry, My wife and I pray for you, that God will provide for you, take care of you, encourage you, and show you his will every day. I believe that God's sovereignty is not that everything is in a fixed predetermined pattern that will never change, but that God's sovereignty is His work in the midst of a broken world, in the midst of rebellion, disobedience, reshaping the clay, including you and me (Jeremiah 18.1-6) . It is wonderful to be the clay and know that God is the potter.

Thank you Pastor, thank you all.”

While there we kept on rolling to Moses Lake to visit two elderly farmers we knew. Del had been very ill but medical care blessed this 89 year old wheat farmer. His daughter Karen happened to come across the state to see him that same day. It was a reunion God planned for all of us.

We also found the wife of a second farm family who lived near us. Edna Watkins was in a seniors home but looked incredibly good for someone 103 years old. She still walks briskly, has no pains, reads and praises God. It was a blessing to pray with her and talk about the Lord.

In case you missed it Tim and Martia Franklin this week went back to Natal Brazil after a brief furlough here in the States. Keep them in prayer as they get back to ministry on the East Coast of South America.

Pastor Mark


“Great Things” for 2023

We are celebrating Christmas twice this year. One on the traditional Western world day of December 25th and one on January 7th for Ukraine. Ukrainians follow a different calendar because centuries ago the West switched from the Gregorian to the Julian Calendar. This year some of our Ukrainian grandkids, Noelle and Anastasia, are back from Ukraine and here now so we celebrate both.

Christmas is important because, after the angel Gabriel visited Mary, later she said, He “has done great things for me;” (Luke 1:49). Examples of this are good health, friends, church, living in America etc.. He has blessed us over the years with a wonderful family. God has “done great things in Christ’s birth”. God did this through His grace and mercy in Christ.

On our counter is a frame photo album that our kids gave us. When the lights are turned on the album comes alive and starts scrolling pictures of our family from the past to the present. Our kids are able to insert pics any time to be added to this electronic photo album. Looking back makes me think what the album will be like in the future.

Dr. Al Mohler today mentioned that today’s children are likely to see the 22nd Century. It will start January 1, 2101..if the Lord tarries. Imagine that. That boggles my mind when thinking of my grandparents who were born in the 1800’s. But my grandkids could see 2101? Wow?

That means we better look ahead at how we can affect future generations for His Glory. That is why He has done great things. Merry Christmas and a blessed 2023 from Pastor Mark and family.

What about a “good” Thanksgiving?

One of my most prized books is a copy of William Bradford’s “Of Plymouth Plantation.” It is the actual history of the Pilgrims as written by Bradford who became the principle leader. Some have said it is second only to the Bible as the most important for our country. I do agree.

Bradford wrote about the first thanksgiving saying they had a great harvest. He mentions things like cod, bass, and other fish “of which they took a good store, of which every family had no want;” He also mentions “foul.” Then Bradford says, “And besides waterfowl there was great store of wild turkeys…” Yes turkeys were there in great number. It was a memorable event because Bradford says, “many afterwards write so largely of their plenty here to their friends in England, which were not feigned but true reports.” Hence we have turkeys as the center piece of most tables at Thanksgiving.

To keep this in perspective we must remember nearly half of the people died the winter before. There was much sickness, sorrow, and death. Yet in time God brought them food and they found time to rejoice. They were not snowflakes. Bradford’s writings are full of references to God working in their lives. Life is full difficulties as well as blessings. We know God is clearly aware and involved in each step of life we take.

This week our son Caleb who lives in war torn Ukraine wrote a beautiful poem on thankfulness in a world at war.

Lord, how will I give thanks today?

When I bow my head, what will I say?

There is no peace at home this year

Rockets and missiles have brought chaos and fear

Homes in pieces, people fled

Young men fight, many dead

Bombs explode, shake the walls

Families crowd in dark halls

Curfew at night, sirens in the day

Oh, dear Lord what will I say?

In a time of war and violence

Must I celebrate thanksgiving in silence?

Can I be grateful in pain and grief?

Is there any sort of relief?

“Listen now!” The Lord said to me.

“Pay attention and I will show you the key

No war, no despot can ever overcome 

The good that I did when I sent you my Son!

A man of suffering, and familiar with pain

He went to the cross for your gain

His sacrifice brings healing and peace

Hope and joy that will never cease.

And now look at what I’m doing even in war

Have you ever seen the church serving more?

In the midst of this terrible cancer

People are now looking for an answer!

Against the black canvas of war

My love shines even more.

Through the hands of the church as they care for the broken

Through the lips of the faithful as love is spoken

Through the feet of the brave as they rescue from danger

Through the hearts of the gentle as they help a stranger.”

Thank you Lord for making this clear

Truly your goodness is always near.

Heal me from my spiritual blindness

Help me to always see your grace and kindness.

When war and evil threaten my living

May I turn to you with praise and thanksgiving

A Prayer for Thanksgiving in War- by Caleb Suko


Living Nativity is coming Dec. 3 & 4 from 5-8pm. Walk through and see 150 characters plus animals as you walk through Bethlehem on the night of Christ’s birth. Watch our website for more details.