My blog on the Friday before Fathers Day evidently was a hit with many of you. Thanks for the kudos. I didn’t have a full family picture at the time but here is the Ezra & Heather Suko family. Left to right are Noah, dad Ezra holding Lily, mom Heather, Luke, and Bella. Thanks for praying.

Speaking of baby blessings we had six families dedicate little ones in church on Fathers Day. I had the privilege of leading that part of the service. To see this end of service event click here and watch the family message from Pastor Chris or just scroll forward to minute 57 to watch short dedication of children in the second service. Then pray for the lives of these little ones.

Pastor Mark Suko

P.S. My son Ezra is one of several artists in our family. See his website for examples of his many paintings at


A blessing in time for Fathers Day came this year. Lily Grace Suko came to see us June 10th. She is the daughter of Ezra and Heather Suko and family in Fort Worth, Texas. As you could guess we’ll be going to meet her soon.

Now all babies are cute when born. So helpless and tiny and they are a great blessing from the our Father in heaven. Lily’s mom, Heather Suko, was twelve days overdue but all is fine. As mothers know, the moment the baby is born there is rejoicing. Us fathers are a little more restrained I think. Our first child, Josh, was born in the Bremerton Naval Hospital where I could only look through the glass to see him after the event. Rachel was born in a Coast Guard hospital in Kodiak. Nancy was the only patient of any kind that night. The doctor invited me in to watch and hold Nancy’s hand. The nurses begged to hold the baby afterwards since there was nothing else to do. Caleb was next in Salem. I was allowed beside Nancy for most of the last few hours and then they sent me out for the delivery. Ezra, Hannah and Ruth were born locally but in more relaxed setting of a special “Birthing Rooms” in the hospital; it was more like home. Then Nehemiah was born in a “Birthing Center” that was across the street from the hospital. It more like home than ever with a a refrigerator full of snacks for the other kids, a hot tub and nice bedroom for Nancy.

In those last few births I was getting a real education of how baby’s were born. I had seen it all….I thought. That is until our last one…Elijah…was born. The plan was to have our midwife deliver at our house. The labor appeared to be slow so the midwife stepped out and awaited a call from me. The problem was I fell asleep while Nancy kept “working” on things. At about 5 AM Nancy woke me to call the midwife. Immediately I could see the baby was going to be here in minutes. I was there to catch him and we all took a big breath.

As births go I generally went from “A to Z” on how it happens. I was thankful to God for the earlier experiences, a birthing class we took, and so on. God timed it right as He always does. It was an experience both Nancy and I are thankful for and will never forget.

We are thankful for little Lily who was born recently. The name “Lily” is found seven times in the BIble. As a symbol it was used in the pillars of the Temple. It also pictures other aspects of truth. Some believe this is a reference to Jesus Christ and reflects His great beauty and glory. It reminds me of the flower she is. Lilies are known for being large and colorful. Nancy loves lilies. Now she has another one her garden.

Our new little granddaughter’s middle name is “Grace”. That appears often in the Bible and refers to God’s free and unmerited gift of forgiveness to all who repent and put their faith in Christ and Him alone. Eph_2:8 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;”

Being our 34th grandchild she is not just another one. She, like all the others, has the hand of God imprinted on her. Therefore, I am a very “grateful” grandpa this Father’s Day. Happy FD to all you guys out there. Be thankful. Happy Fathers Day also to Ezra and Heather Suko with their new Lily.

Pastor Mark

PS  Don’t forget that since Sunday is Fathers Day Brunch from 9:30-10:45. No Sunday School. Please bring a brunch item such as meat, meat casserole, or side dish.  Happy Fathers Day guys!

UPDATE ON UKRAINE #12 Memorial Day Coming

You may have wondered where I was since you have not heard from me in awhile. Nan and I have been to the wedding of our youngest son Elijah and his bride Sierra. It was on the beautiful island of Kauai which is Sierra’s home. It was a beautiful jungle setting with flowers of all kinds but no snakes (Like Eden had). It reminded me of the garden wedding of Adam and Eve.

While there we also did many things things with our wider family such as a day on a catamaran sailing around the island. We also were treated to an hour helicopter flight over the island with no doors on. Sort of fun and terrifying in a way but good reminder that God is in charge. What a unique way to fly! I got pictures to prove it. :-)

Sunset on the Sleeping Giant Mountain.

Meanwhile back home the war in Ukraine was heating up in the East. Our family over there is safe with one in the US and the others coming this weekend. We have also adopted Ukrainian refuge who will be in church with us Sunday. Pray for the Ukrainian army as they deal with bloody battles in East Ukraine. The Russian army has taken over much area in the East. We are reminded that Jesus said (Mark 13) that in the last days there will be wars and rumors of wars. After that He will return. More later.

Guys, don’t forget Men’s and Boys Discipleship Breakfast this Saturday June 4th (8-9:30) in the foyer. Our own Dr. Ernest Zarra will talk about the new Woke culture that is sweeping our land and how Christians should respond. You might want to bring you wife along. They are most welcome. Dr. Z has written a book on the subject.

Pastor Mark