Tuesday 10/31 was the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther's historic nailing of his 95 theses to the church door in Germany. Since we visited there recently it has been on my mind much. The more I study the subject the more I realize how absolutely momentous that day was then and for today. It is said no other event in the last 2,000 years ranks higher except Christ's life. It essentially marked a time when the Bible was rediscovered, translated into the vernacular and mass reproduced with Guttenberg's newly invented printing press. God's divine timing was evident. The critical doctrines of salvation by faith alone in Christ, without works, were also recovered. It freed many from living in fear of judgment because people understood rightly again God's grace in Christ and justification by faith alone.  In other words the Gospel was recovered. 

It also elevated marriage and women. Monks and nuns like Luther and Katie Von Bora were married and had families. The Luthers had six children and adopted four more and became models of marriage. It was a turning point in history and is why we have many of the freedoms we now enjoy. See Dr. Albert Mohler's Briefing at .

We were blessed to visit Wittenberg, Germany and walk the streets to the ancient castle church Luther taught at, nailed his thesis on the door, and is now buried in.

We were blessed to visit Wittenberg, Germany and walk the streets to the ancient castle church Luther taught at, nailed his thesis on the door, and is now buried in.

Luther's castle church with the pulpit he preached from and his remains in the white stone box on the floor beneath. 

Luther's castle church with the pulpit he preached from and his remains in the white stone box on the floor beneath. 

Time Reminder that this is "Fall Back Sunday" -clocks go back one hour :)

Sunday 11/5 at 9:15 AM author and Reformation historian Doug Bond will be with us for a dramatic revisit of Martin Luther to conclude our Here I Stand theme. All classes age 6 and above will meet in the auditorium. Doug will also speak on Luther's favorite Psalm during the worship service.  You will see why the reformation is still going on today.

Saturdays starting 11/4 (9-11AM) to the end of Nov. we will need help to erect our Living Nativity sets. The event is Dec. 2 & 3 from 5-8 PM so grab some flyers in the foyer and spread the word. See our calendar for more events at 

-Pastor Mark


This month is the anniversary of a revolution. I am not talking about the Reformation here. I am referring to the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia on October 25, 1917. It was an armed revolt led by Lenin to depose the Czar. This resulted in an estimated one hundred million dead. In the end it didn’t lead to the utopia that was longed for. It largely ended with the fall of the U.S.S.R. in 1991.

On the other hand, this month is also the anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. It begun 500 years ago on October 31, 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 complaints about the church to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. He intended to bring attention to needed changes in the church. But it resulted in a reaction from Rome and a movement back to a basic understanding of the critical importance of Scripture in the church and salvation by faith alone in Christ without any human works. This Revolution was far more peaceful, led to millions getting right with God, and continues to have a positive impact today. 

Click here to read the 95 theses.

Click here to read the 95 theses.

One of the areas that was drastically affected by the Reformation was a renewed understanding of marriage and the home. I’ll be speaking on that this Sunday. Luther’s own marriage turned out to be a major example of this. Don’t forget Reformation historian Douglas Bond will also be with us November 5th to complete our celebration of the Reformation. He will do a dramatic recitation of Luther at the 9:15 hour and speak during our 10:30 service. If you can’t make it be sure to watch on Livestream any time later. Let me know what you think.

-Pastor Mark


"Shooter kills at least 50" was a headline we saw last week. The killer had rented a hotel room above a concert area and brought dozens of weapons including modified assault rifles. We were shocked. 

Ironically, a few weeks earlier a new monument was dedicated in Russia to the inventor of the world famous AK-47. Russian Lt. General Michael Kalashnikov invented the AK-47 in 1947. It sold over one hundred million and won him hero status in Russia and a monument in Moscow.

However, late in life he was guilt-ridden over his invention knowing it had been used by soldiers, terrorists and criminals. He said he'd "wished he had invented a lawn mower instead." A letter he wrote to the patriarch of the Orthodox Church asked if he thought God would hold this against him. 

Would it have made a difference if Kalashnikov would have invented a helpful lawnmower instead? That may have soothed his conscience but no amount of good deeds will cover the sins we have committed because the wages of even one sin against a holy God earns us death (Rom. 3:23; 6:23).  

New monument dedicated in September to Lt. Gen. Michael Kalashnikov who invented the AK47.  Photo - New York Times

New monument dedicated in September to Lt. Gen. Michael Kalashnikov who invented the AK47.  Photo - New York Times

The simple truth of the 1517 Reformation was that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone and not by faith plus our works.    

Here I Stand is our theme for the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this Octover. Luther stood on the Bible alone for a clear understanding of salvation. Oct. 8 & 15 I'll speak on Galatians, the book used most during the Reformation. On Oct. 22 Caleb Suko will speak on the sole authority of Scripture and on the 29th I'll speak on the impact the Reformation had on home life.  Then on Nov. 5th noted author Doug Bond will dramatize Luther's life at 9:15 and speak on the impact of the Psalms during the Reformation. Join us.

Our Living Nativity outreach is coming Dec. 2 & 3. We have 125 signed up and only about 40 more are needed. Contact for details.  Visit our Living Nativity page at to see what it is about.

Pastor Mark