The resurrection of Jesus Christ is considered by many to be the most important event of human history. Why? Because it is the crowning miracle of Christ's, topping all others, and points most clearly to the fact that He is who He said He was. That has massive implications for our lives in every area of living. It means what He said about the Old Testament pointing to Him is true. It means His teaching on the seriousness of sin and how to be saved and completely forgiven is true.  What He said about hell and heaven is true too.

A well known top scholar in England recently decided to write a book on the resurrection. He said he thought he could cover it in about 200 pages.  But when he got into the subject it took him 800 pages. It is entitled "The Resurrection of the Son of God" by N.T. Wright in case you wanted to read it. In essence he says there is no other explanation for the resurrection except that it is a real historical event in which Christ resurrected Himself bodily from the grave as He promised. It radically changed all the disciples from cowering fear to courageous reformers willing to be martyred.

I heard a story about an Easter illustration for a child. The teacher had a small plastic egg with a small chick inside. The teacher asked the child what was inside. The child replied, "pantyhose."  Popular culture uses the chicken and egg or bunny idea to speak of the new life at Easter. But it tends to trivialize an incredibly important event. Let us call it what it is, "Resurrection Day."  This is why we worship on Sunday the day Christ rose. 

The painting here is one of my favorites my son Ezra has done. It pictures the early morning hour when Christ arose and the stone was rolled away. Ezra had a feel for it since he once stood in the empty tomb alone that many believe may have been the actual place. I'll be speaking on the events at that tomb this Sunday morning. Our musicians will have an incredible music package for us to give Him praise. Join us for our informal Sea of Galilee Breakfast Fellowship at 9:15 and worship at 10:30. 

Want to know more about eternal salvation and forgiveness that the resurrection is about.  See my short video on "What is the Gospel" at

He is Risen!

Pastor Mark

PS.  See you at the Good Friday service  also at 7 PM.  Want some nice music on your computer or wifi active TV? Try Tim Janis and his new worship video at .  Great Celtic music of worship.


When we think of Palm Sunday we think of Christ's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem as the crowds greet him exuberantly with Hosannas. But over the years I have gradually been drawn to Luke's account about Jesus rounding the Mt of Olives and seeing the city before Him. Then it says, "Jesus wept over it."


The first time I saw Jerusalem was on a tour. The guide made a special effort to have our bus approach from the Mt. of Olives. As we drew near he told us we would soon see the city. We rounded a corner and pulled over. Before us was Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, the city wall and ancient gates all lit up. It was amazing to finally see it for ourselves. But, I didn't weep!  It was not until years later that Luke's comment grabbed me. Among other things it spoke of Christ's humanity, empathy and concern for the sin of Israel and what He soon would face. 

Might we be as concerned as we see Jerusalem this Palm Sunday and as we see our own need, a lost world, even Jerusalem and our own city every time we go to town.  I'll be speaking on that subject this Palm Sunday. 

It is a good time to invite others to hear the message of the Christ again as we consider Palm Sunday. Good Friday (4/14) we'll gather at 7 PM to meditate on Christ on the cross with much musical reflection. I'll bring a meditation from the Psalms as Adria Hanson illustrates it in glowing chalk. Then we'll remember Him at the Lord's Table. Resurrection Sunday (4/16) we have our annual Sea of Galilee breakfast fellowship at 9:15 (Bring a finger food).   At 10:30 we'll worship the risen Lord with amazing music and a message to remind us of Christ's victory over death.  Come early, park afar (if you can walk) and bring a guest.  Invitation cards are on the foyer table.  He is Risen. 

Twice Alive,

Pastor Mark

Here are somethings you may have missed. Cut and paste links into your browser to view it. 

  • Spring Cleaning Morning: On Saturday 4/8 from 9 to 12 we'll be doing some spring cleaning at the church.  Men and women and kids welcome as we spruce things up.  Yard tools, work clothes etc. are the uniform of the day.  We'll make the place look sharp for Easter and our VBS coming up in June 26-30.  
  • Farewell event:  Tammi and Josh Reid are moving to Alaska!  A "farewell" open house will be held at:  7107 108th St. NW, Gig Harbor (Josh's parents' house), on Saturday, April 8th, 1-4 p.m.  Tel. 253.514.8249. 
  • Ladies Spring Luncheon (video):  Our best yet with a powerful testimony every parent and teen will want to hear.
  • Church calendar:


Last week I was invited by Rep. Michelle Caldier of District 26 to bring the opening prayer for the Washington State House of Representatives in Olympia.  I would get to see our government up close and pray for them as they started the day. John Skansie, John Westermark and John Glass (1st, 2nd and 3rd John. :-) came along to support me. 

We were greeted warmly in the Chief Clerk's office and an aid took me to the House Chamber to explain details. They seated me next to the speaker of the house. Soon a tall man was seated behind me. I went to welcome him and found out he was Spencer Haywood, the famous Sonics basketball player. Wow! He was there to receive an award. Soon Rep. Caldier came up to welcome me.

Things started with the posting of the flag, the pledge and then I stepped up to pray. This was one of those prayers I actually pray about what I'll say. I quoted a Psalm that declares God is the one who raises up kings and I Timothy 2 where we are commanded to pray for kings and those in authority. Truly human government is established by God (Rom. 13). I prayed specifically for the leaders and their God ordained work. I was impressed to see all standing with heads bowed at their desks for the prayer. While not everyone may have been a Christian, it was a blessing to see so many showing respect to God at the start of the day.

In a few minutes they adjourned to their caucus rooms. Michelle and her aid escorted us to the Republican room packed with politicians where I was asked again to pray. What a privilege this was. Later on a tour we also witnessed to and prayed for two state troopers who were on duty there. They were appreciative and even took a picture us on the steps.  

Everyone was so nice and made us feel genuinely welcome. Most of all we were moved to see such respect for God in our government in such a liberal state.  We noted this also when we were on a tour of the building. At the entrance to the capitol are two large statues on either side of the door. Both were religious Christian figures in the early history of Washington.  Marcus Whitman was on the right in his buckskins holding out a Bible. As we left we were reminded God is the one who raises up governments and even secular leaders. He also allows them to fall. Keep our State and Country in prayer in the days ahead. Those whom God has raised up have a difficult job to do.

Pastor Mark