The Mothers Day baby dedication picture looks good, but it reminds us of a major problem today. First, let me congratulate (L to R) the Rogers, Suko, Nelson, Myers and Frizzell families on the dedications of Tobin Alexander R., Evangeline Rose S., Kennedy Grace N., Silas Robert M., and Brinnley Mae F.  What a blessing it was to see them committing themselves to raise their children for the Lord.

The problem I mentioned came to my attention in the 1970's when I wrote a college paper on God's command to man to be fruitful and multiply. This was after the best selling Population Bomb book by Ehrlich came out saying millions would starve to death in a few years due to over-population. This resulted in panic and population rates dropping drastically in a year around the world to below the replacement rate of 2.1. However, I concluded that the Scriptural command still applied; there was plenty of food and that you could fit the entire population of the world into Texas in single family dwellings. Since then the Population Bomb book proved to be wrong. 

Now a new book, What to Expect When No One Is Expecting, highlights the error of Ehrlich's book. The author Jonathan Last says various factors continue to drive population rates down to the point that demographers around the world are starting to sound the alarm. Being below replacement rate means the population pyramid inverts due to better medicine and people live longer while there are fewer young people to support the tax base and care for the elderly.  This is the problem our Social Security program is facing. It also has alarming ramifications for meeting the needs of the military and the general work force.

Japan is an example of this with a growing older population and a shrinking young population.  Recently they sold more adult diapers than children's and the finance minister announced that old people should do their duty by hurrying up to die.  Vladimir Putin also stated publically that Russia's biggest problem is depopulation. Russia is expected to drop from 141 million to below 100 million by 2050. In one area they declared a Family Connect Day in which everyone got a day off from work to go home and make babies. Nine months later a Give Birth to a Patriot Day was planned to celebrate. New parents were given new 4x4's. Those with second or third children were given 250,000 rubles. China is facing this and has also relaxed regulations on family size. Europe is also looking at incentives to encourage growth.  The problem is so pronounced that urban growth planning is not a job sought after. Instead people are being trained in how to demolish urban areas that have been vacated.

Other things driving the replacement rate down include the cost of having children, education costs, abortion, the sexual revolution, same-sex marriage, increased narcissism and the rise of contraceptives. In America in 1900 no religious denomination sanctioned contraceptives. Today almost all do.  America remains below the 2.1 replacement rate at 1.86.  Our current growth in population is due entirely to immigration. 

Mr. Last says those who don't go to church tend to choose to have few children. They see the world as here and now and focus more on themselves and a more liberal outlook. On the other hand those who go to church weekly focus on the present with a view to the future. Their replacement rate is healthy and above the 2.1.  In other words they seem to value people more. Interesting.   

Christians are called to live here and now but with a view to the future. That is why we study prophecy. We value children as gifts from the Lord and created in the image of God. They carry the faith into the future.  And...after all, our children, biological or spiritual, are the only things we can take with us to heaven.  What do you think?

-Pastor Mark

P.S.  You can watch the baby dedication last Sunday in our Livestream for 5/15/2016.  For an interesting interview with Mr. Last cut and paste the link below into your browser.








Is heaven a place to practice your favorite hobby, go fishing, relax on a cloud, golf,  or party with your friends? Some have talked about flying with angel wings. Others have said their dead loved one was the new star in the night sky or the wind in the trees. A few even claim to have been to heaven and written books about it; they sell well. Popular concepts of heaven are often silly and far from the Biblical descriptions.

The picture of heaven in Scripture is not narcissistic and man-centered but focused on the worship of God. Consider the enduring picture of heaven revealed in Revelation 4-5.

First there is God's throne with flashes of lightening and thunder coming from it. Around it are 24 smaller thrones on which elders sit in white with golden crowns worshiping.  Seven lamps representing the Spirit are before the throne and four magnificent angelic creatures are around it in constant worship saying "Holy, Holy, Holy..."  In God's right hand is a scroll that no one can open except Christ, the Lamb.  Hear more detail in my message from last Sunday in the Livestream.  Don't miss the last part.

One lesson here is that heaven is a place of worship.  It is not about us but about God who alone is worthy of worship. The first commandment tells us our first priority is worship, "You shall have no other gods..."  That is the message of the last book of the Bible too.

While heaven is future for the believer, it ought to be present here and now too. The church today is that primary place of worship in covenant relationship with other believers. The elders around the throne picture perfect worship in absolute harmony. Yet we get distracted from worship here by the cares of life or a wrong focus and quickly pursue things of lesser importance. But the church is a taste of what heaven is to be like even with all her imperfections. Let us not forsake this most important assembly (Hebrews 10:24-25).

Our worship this week will have an emphasis on Mothers Day.  Several parents will be dedicating children to the Lord in worship.  We'll also welcome the Reids to talk about foster parenting as a ministry.  Watch the video below for details.


When we arrived home and saw the beautiful green trees, lush lawn and flowers I said, "It is heaven!" While we enjoyed every minute in Ukraine, it was heavenly to be home! But America is not heaven. It needs the gospel of Christ desperately now more than ever before.

When we left Ukraine behind, we were reminded to pray for it as May 2nd comes.  Why?  Because May 2nd is the second anniversary of forty-six pro-Russian anti-Maidan protesters being killed in a confrontation with pro-Ukrainian protestors in Odessa near the main rail station. While we were there rumors were spreading about an uprising being planned. Pray for peace and the safety of our missionaries (Caleb Sukos & Vladimir Sagadeyevs) and many Christian workers there. We are reminded that rumors of wars are a part of our world until Christ comes.

Believers, even though living in a world at war, always have the hope of heaven to look forward to. This Sunday I will return to Revelation and look at a wonderful picture of heaven (ch. 4-5) that Christ gave us.  During May 8th we'll celebrate Mothers Day so if any parents desire to dedicate a child please let me know.

Some who followed my blog were unaware that some pictures were actually videos. Videos have a small white arrow in a box in the center of the picture (see below). Click on the arrow and you will see a blog-related video. Here is one that summarizes our ministry in Ukraine.  Enjoy.  -ms

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