Did you know the name “Ukraine” means “borderland?” Late last week Nancy and I parted ways in the Western Ukrainian city of Lviv and Caleb and I traveled from border to border in this borderland. It is about the size of Washington, Oregon and Idaho combined but with over three times the population.

It borders both Europe on the west and the old Soviet Union on the east. This has resulted in wars being fought here over it as well as ideological differences as well as the rich soil and access to the Black Sea. If you lived here, rather than the U.S., statistics say you would die ten years sooner, make 86% less income and be 13% more likely to be murdered. That being said, it is a great place to proclaim the gospel of Christ. 

Recently we were in Lviv on the western border. It feels much more European with many historic buildings and lots of beautiful old churches with minor key choirs, candles and incense. People cross themselves just walking by churches. There are also lots of coffee shops and sidewalk cafes. Tourist abound here.

Then we boarded a train to the far eastern border. The next morning we had a few hours in the middle of the country in Kiev where the Maidan revolution took place in 2013/14. We walked through the war ravaged area that has been cleaned up. It now has many memorials with pictures of those who died to free the country of corruption. There were still damaged buildings and bullet holes evident. Yet there was a festive attitude that was sad considering the death of the "heavenly hundred" that took place here as they are called.

Then we boarded another train and arrived in Druzhkivka the next morning near the front line of the current war. That is why we were here. A special seminar was being held to help Christian handle the stress of war and also minister to others with the gospel.  It alone provide answers for the evil of war and the problem of a sinful world and the promise of eternal life. 

We met with over a hundred church leaders in the Light of the Gospel Church.  The city was taken over by separatist forces in March of 2014 and freed several months later.  However, many surrounding cities have not done as well. People have fled, businesses closed, jobs became more rare and some places have been destroyed by fighting.  We were warned not to walk in fields because there may be mines there.

We also had the rare opportunity to visit an army base to do an outdoor chapel for the soldiers. The place looked like a war zone for sure.  Around it were numerous weapons. About 25 came into a dusty court yard to listen as we sang Christian songs to a guitar.  I spoke about our son-in-law Gabe who died in Iraq and how God sustained us through faith. Another speaker also gave a similar testimony. The soldiers clapped when each finished and many even wanted pictures with us.   

All of this took place as dust blew and an occasional troop truck arrived from the front with soldiers and guns going off duty.  We chatted with them after the service. One told me he had also served in Iraq the same time Gabe did as brothers in arms. What an amazing day. 

See the videos for more detail.






This week we had an unusual family reunion in Kiev with our missionary kids. Earlier in the week we worked hard doing repairs on Mike and Rachel’s home. I also preached in their church Sunday and we met with the pastor’s family.  Tuesday I spoke on resurrection evidences at the Kiev Theological Seminary chapel. 

It was a blessing to interact with young adults preparing for ministry where my son-in-law Mike Gustafson teaches.  I related God’s blessing on Discovery through expository preaching and how the Lord led us to do ministry in Ukraine in 1994 and has even led a refugee family to our home.  

The mission field is often a very busy and difficult place for missionaries. It is easy to be idealistic about missions; but that quickly fades when you arrive on the field.  A century ago going to the mission field meant leaving home for decades and having little support when you arrived in a hostile culture.

Today jet travel and technology help a lot, but it still can be difficult. The reality is that many missionaries drop out after the first term on the field. That is why it is important for there to be genuine support, prayer and interest from the family and church back home.  Even Jesus went away with His disciples to “come apart and rest awhile.” The Jerusalem church also provided that support after Paul’s first missionary journey too if you look closely at Acts 13 and 14.  

Part of our reason for visiting Ukraine this time was to provide that support.  So this week we had kind of family reunion in Kiev. Caleb’s family came from Odessa by overnight train and joined us in Kiev for just plain fun, food, talking and cousins playing with each other in the yard for a day. Then Nancy and I and Caleb’s family took an express train west to spend R & R time with them in Lviv. 

Check out the pictures and Caleb’s video to see a bit of what this was like as we made some memories.  Then consider some R & R for your family.  Let me know what you think.    


It was near bed time here in Kiev when we heard loud explosions; it sounded like gunfire. We quickly realized it was just another birthday party with unsafe and insane fireworks. A few evenings later we noted flashes of light in the night sky. This time it was only an outdoor discotheque.

In a country at war it does make you think twice and realize the world is still plagued by the effects of sin. Soldiers die almost daily while life goes on in other places. The effects of sin and evil may be more evident here. The economy is down and people have a hard time making a living. Mike and Rachel Gustafson's home is surrounded by a high wall with heavy gates. Their neighbor appears to be a wealthy and has guards on duty 24/7. Another neighbor is a general in the army who has guards with automatic weapons I am told in this neighborhood of dachas (a seasonal second home). But most have much more simple dwellings or live in huge apartment buildings.

Christ said we would have wars until He comes to settle things. That is why the message of the gospel is so vital here where life is uncertain. I'll be speaking on that this Sunday in the Rebirth Church. When Christ comes He will bring in a time of peace. That begins now in the heart for those who trust The Prince of Peace (cf. Isa. 9:6).

It has been good being with the Gustafsons this week. We spent time with our grandkids Ellie, Daniel, Jonathan and Susanna. We also helped fix things around the house, planting flowers, repairing things, etc. and getting to know the new neighborhood. It is nicer location on the edge of the city with no large apartment buildings nearby.

We'll keep you up to date here so stay tuned. Anyone wanting to be on my new blog can go to www.DiscoveryBaptist.org Click the green Mark's Blog button and then click on subscribe to fill in details. You will then receive it regularly by email.

If you didn't hear, we praise the Lord that our For the Generations to Come building expansion commitments have exceeded $70,420 this past week. These are gifts that are committed to come in above regular giving over the next two years.

Thanks for praying for us while Ukraine. More later. -ms