Dear Flock,

Pastor Fedor Bespalov was a great blessing to us last Sunday as he testified and preached about what God is doing in the war zone of Eastern, Ukraine. His presentation during Sunday School is not available for security purposes. Caleb did a video blog about him and our trip to the Shepherds Conference. You can read the blog or watch the video at Thanks for praying for us.

The Shepherds Conference has been a massive blessing to the six of us who are here for the opening session. Tuesday Caleb and I attended pre-conference conference on world missions with about 500 men. It had some very useful material for us to listen to. While there it was a suprise for Caleb to meet Dr. John MacArthur who ended up sitting right in front of us.

Wednesday the main conference began. It was a thrill to sing with 4,000 men...Wow! Pastor Fedor and Alexander from Ukraine were with us last Sunday as well as here and they were amazed! There are men here from all 50 states and over 60 countries. The service this morning was broadcast to 63 countries. You can watch some sessions at You can also see a few pics on our church Facebook page.

My son Ezra and his family are hosting us in their home not far away. It has been fun for Nancy and I to spend time with them and little Noah. We also find out this week if they are now going to have boy or girl.

This Sunday we are in Revelation 3 as we visit the Philadelphia Church; it is a good place to be. Then on March 20th there is a graphic conclusion to the series on Letters to Seven Churches. As I speak Adria Hanson will also illustrate the message in chalk in a way that will help us remember Christ's overall message in this series.

Easter is the following Sunday (March 27th). I am looking forward to proclaiming the gospel as we remember why Christ's death and resurrection as the game changer in all history. Be sure to invite someone. It could change their life. Grab a handful of the our new card-sized Easter invitations to invite others to our services. All the details are on the back. There are two identical services (8:30 or 10:45) with our usual Sea of Galilee Fellowship breakfast between the services. Bring a plate of your favorite figure foods to share.

This week we received word that the gospel along with Sgt. De Roo's testimony was given on the front lines to groups of Iraqi troops along with a hot meal. They were within sight of ISIS. These troops have not been paid in 7 months so were very appreciative and personally thanked our church and families. Continue to pray for that ministry there over the next few weeks.

We also received word that Joan Franklin passed into the presence of the Lord last week. She and her husband Dan were part of a group of founding members at Discovery. Their testimony of love for Christ, prayer and support for the church was encouraging. They were visionaries in our barn years as they prayed and gave sacrificially so we could have a facility for the generations to come. They often spoke of that goal even after they had to move away due to advanced age. Last year Joan's family brought her back for a service in our new building. She was thrilled to see what God had done. It is amazing that now we are working on the next phase as we plan to expand for the next generation also. Be in prayer as we look to the future with similar vision and consider return our Commitment Cards this coming Sunday.

For the Generations to Come,
Pastor Mark


Dear Flock,

This week some of us have been reflecting on a few things that stand out to us from the Shepherds Conference a week ago. Chris Rogers mentioned appreciation for the investment the church has made in her pastors; an investment for the future. This is not the only conference there is, but is probably the one that has had the most impact on us over the years. We would love to take more guys next time.

Graham Marshall appreciated the session on "What is Success in Ministry." Nathan Busenitz challenged us on this subject from I Timothy and Hebrews. Human success is often related to numbers and budgets. But the list in Hebrews 11 is long and relates to faith and faithfulness as God's standard. The last part of that list is a challenge to us. Hebrews 11:36ff says "and others experienced mockings and scourgings, yes, also chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; .And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect."

Our Ukrainian pastors, Fedor and Alexander, were both blessed by all of this as they watched and listened to translation along with 500 other Russian speakers. Pray for these brothers as they return to their countries. I will let you in on what impressed all of us most next week. For now take a look at some of these messages at the Shepherd's Conference. Click here for all keynote sessions. We recommend: Al Mohler's " The Pastor's Job Description" (Mark), Steve Lawson's " Psalm 2" (Graham), and Paul Washer's " Preach Jesus Christ" (Chris).

This weekend (March 20) we are asking everyone to return your completed commitment cards from our banquet for what you believe God wants you to give above regular giving for our building project for the next two years. This is so we can expand our teaching and worship areas for the generations to come. Each sacrificial gift will make a difference as we can plan the amount we'll need to borrow from the NW Revolving Fund. Thanks for praying and giving. Remember, it is not equal giving but equal sacrifice that we strive for.

Don't forget that Easter invitations are available on the foyer table. There are two identical services at 8:30 and 10:45 with our annual Sea of Galilee Fellowship breakfast is at 9:45 so bring you favorite finger food. No Sunday School.

For the Generations to Come

Pastor Mark


Dear Flock,

Last Sunday was a milepost as we were looked to the future of Discovery through history, Scripture, music, fellowship, special speakers and a time of celebration at our banquet. If you missed the morning presentation or the banquet presentation you can watch them here. Then pick up the new booklet Expanding Our Ministry for Generations to Come and two commitment cards in the foyer or request them by mail. Our leadership is asking everyone to pray for a week about giving over and above regular General Fund giving for two years to our Building Fund for the expansion and improvement of our facilities. The extended auditorium (by 48%) shown here is just one of the five areas being expanded. The back of the commitment cards has important thoughts on determining God's will for you. Then return one card to the offering box by March 20th so the board can count the cost and plan for a loan from our regional fellowship. Every gift given to the Lord here will decrease the amount borrowed, interest paid and help spread the Gospel to the next generation. We are looking forward to moving forward with our building project this summer in our rapidly expanding community.

This Sunday Pastor Fedor Bespalov from Ukraine will speak. He pastors Light of the Gospel Church in Druzhkovka in Eastern Ukraine. His city was invaded by Russian Separatist forces in April of 2014 and remained under Separatist control until July 2014 when it was freed by the Ukrainian army. During this time his church was also seized by separatist and later freed by Ukrainian forces. Pastor Fedor often travels into the war torn areas that are in the "buffer" zone to minister to believers where fighting continues.

Pastor Fedor will do a slide presentation and Q & A session with the adult classes at 9:15. He will also speak for our 10:30 worship service along with Caleb Suko. Pastor Fedor has been in places of persecution that we have not so I am sure it will be fascinating.

He will be joining our Elders, Caleb, myself and several thousand other ministry leaders for the Shepherds Conference in Los Angeles this coming week. Keep us all in prayer.

For the Generations to Come,

Pastor Mark

4902 Gustafson Dr. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 Tel 253.858.8990 / Fax 253.851.2010